07 July 2007

Nothing radically new in Europe

Sorry guys, had some time without access to the web.Technical support is on the way, just now, to fix the problem with the modem.Glad you still come see me. At Europe things still pretty the same, from some time awhile, Russian problem(they intend install anti-missile defenses too), the Turquish issue (the guarantee of the minimum human’s rights) about entering the European Union (and the geographical political strategy importance of such act), wide opening economic relations with Brasil and all countries of Africa’s continent, european social politics also will be discuss like the workers concerning “flexi security” which will improve the speed of relations worker/employer when things are not agreeable for each/one side (as if now was already easy to workers to have a future, I mean the southern countries of Europe).Well the funny of all this is the next six months of EU will be commanded by the presidency of Portugal which country has very strong structural economic problems, result of the last ten years of governmental decisions that lead us this point now.Last millions of euros (€) of free funds from the core of this Union onto Portugal must be well applied by Portuguese to achieve the same economical rhythm as others European countries as Germany or France (I only can laugh, cause that money was very badly misused in the recent past).Is there an economical God?St.Money…


Anonymous said...

Are you Portuguese ? It looks like you come from Spain or any other country that hetes or dispises Portugal. There will be always traitors, as you know.

Take a pill and be proud of your country. And start writing in its beautiful language.

Anonymous said...

Now I understand: your favorite movie is Forrest Gump... Loking to your photo it should be obvious

GTX said...

You're a genius...

GTX said...

Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói e não se sente;
É um contentamento descontente;
É dor que desatina sem doer;

É um não querer mais que bem querer;
É solitário andar por entre a gente;
É nunca contentar-se de contente;
É cuidar que se ganha em se perder;

É querer estar preso por vontade;
É servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
É ter com quem nos mata lealdade.

Mas como causar pode seu favor
Nos corações humanos amizade,
Se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?

Luís de Camões

Damien said...

Hey dude, we just got our work access re-fixed too, just cost me a few cup cakes and favours to the IT crowd to drop the net securtiy platforms for a while.
Great to see your back dude.

1138 said...

Good seeing you back.
Ignore that nationalist pig "anonymous".
If a nation has problems a true patriotic citizen isn't afraid to speak the truth.
He (anonymous) must have Spanish fascists in his background.

Sheryl said...

Don't you just love people who post insults anonymously? Jingoistic ones at that.

Thanks for the rundown on the European situation. Interesting to se things from a different angle.

GTX said...

Thank you all, just when I started again would appear an nationalist (or some joker) that thinks that speaking nicely about whatever’s country is an act of nationalism. Like we all were tourism promoters. Besides, at those actual passing days what’s the point to lie and still feel a patriot?

Some day this kind of people grows and truly sees all that jeopardized time, wasted on their youth, and they will feel awful about it.

People that can’t see reality are the same as those that can’t see dreams.

Paul G. said...

Just checking to see if you are still around.