The financial system thought possible to grow the golden eggs of Europe forever.
Judged it to be possible to establish a system of endless debt based on compliance and confidence with mere contracts.
After all it was just another gold rush of speculation and eventually killed the chicken that put the golden eggs.
This is a good example for emerging economies around the globe.
Excessive speculation, coupled with fraudulent accounts and pure greed led to the existence of more electronic money that in the form of paper currency.
When humans now had a time of relative peace, now had a time of organization, now had a time of civilization, of science and conditions for a better life, here comes the unruly capital that relies on increasing the number of individuals as human pyramid solution, running over their civilizational advances and their rights, with the power to dictate economic evaluations and controlling politics, through an ideology of overproduction, with a margin too high of waste that harms the clima, the nature and makes an domino effect in humans, which have impact now and in the future.
Of the many possible analogies that we can think of, I give you one:chickens in an aviary in which all live thinking that life is like that, thinking that the world is like that and that's how it should be, ignoring the lives of chickens living in freedom seeing the sunshine and the green of nature.
It is therefore proved (as if there were no evidence of that in the past ...) that the financial system can dictate important civilizational setbacks and do make everyone believe that countries offerers of horrible working conditions and a life of slavery are in good path for the future.
The henhouse will increase with more chickens and, with the lack of space, the living conditions will be much worse.
Shhhh, they will think that is paradise.
Come back
Come back!
Come back
Now I´'m here ... now I'm there ....
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