26 August 2006

Shame on us if we don't reach to our children to explain what these things are

Always that we can, we must fight it…miserie.

Those hearts that never commotion with such cruel realities are worst than deserts. Deserts have life.
Sub nutrition


Damien said...

Pure joy GTX

Jozee said...

In a perfect world these terrible conditions would be eradicated and we
would only need to explain them in retrospect to prevent them from occurring again.

GTX said...

Some times our children (despite I've none, but I'm aware of others problems) think they are very miserable and do not know how luck they are to have so plenty compared with the ONES who barely have a dollar a day.
These days children think that beef came from the supermarket, can you believe it? And some time further they will think that they came from Paris ;o) now I'm joking.