05 September 2006

The sun of my life

Meet Sandra
She’s marvelous.
She is my espouse.
This a restaurant near the beach, near Sintra, Portugal, near 22:30.
And look, amazing guy with a tired eyes.
The sun in my eyes.
She tried not to get pictured all night but I get her in focus afterwards. Hah.
I'm very persuasive (annoying guy).


Jozee said...

Out so late! Hello to your wife.

GTX said...

Ye, it is.
Now we have connection to our house and I'm still to excited.
Must refrain the steam @:ob

Sheryl said...

Looks like a fun lady. :-)

Snave said...

Your pictures captured the essence of a fun and relaxed time together!

GTX said...

Yes, you can say that, well, relaxed, at least there were moments, yes...and some tension too. I love tension.
I was trying to understand the Cannon Powershot A540 we bought.

henri Banks said...

Hey i like your pics and the writen words to it ;-)

GTX said...

That's a common place, I know, but I thank you, Henry.
I have to learn some more to reach your championship, or Paul G. or Josie.