25 September 2006

Ya I'm good and so I ignore you.

What are you?
I can not have the feeling of superiority that some guys gave ostentation. I think nobody is completely good in what he or she is doing. It's like those guys with a big book collection, lots of dubious net information and lots of net links, that support them behind a big conversation with so many information and culture and ignoring what somebody is saying.
"Ya, I'm so good" they think, but I ask, compared with what?
I think that we never will get to a higher stage of civilisation if we don't give up from that silly pride and self-commiseration. From this pint of view, we are nothing.
If you try to be adult you became ridiculous and pretentious.
Viva a revolução.


Damien said...

Halleujah to that buddy, amen!!!
You should start a relegion GTXism.
I'll start carving the statues.

GTX said...

These are my rant moments. GETEXISM should be perfect, being almost perfect.
Imperfection is a human condition, isn't it? But there are guys that take us from serious, so I made this post. Can you believe, we living in a century of movies made through Internet but there are guys who believe that were them to discovered Internet.
Big, big egos...

Sheryl said...

I was thinking the other night how I wanted it both ways. In some ways I want to be an elitist, and in some ways I want to be an egalitarian populist.

It's kind of hard to live in a culture of pro-Bush bumper stickers and not have a certain degree of contempt for people so stupid that they support someone who is screwing them so badly.

And yet I believe in democratic principles and depolarized wealth. I just wish so many people here weren't so stupid. Yes, there is contempt in my voice. How can people not realize by now what shmucks are running my country? They have to be the low life of intellectual low life. Or at least extremely dishonest with themselves.

Snave said...

Good posting! I think that being true to oneselves is something many of us often forget how to do. If some of our leaders would examine their consciences, they might make decisions that were more often for the greater good than simply for themselves or their little power groups... and I think that making decisions based on the greater good is a big part of being true to oneself. Knowing that we are all in this world together, we know that considering others and helping others is of paramount importance, and I think it is also a part of human nature we should not deny.

I don't know if that made sense or not, but I find your weblog inspiring. You seem to be a selfless individual, which is something to which all of us should aspire! Keep writing!

GTX said...

Sheryl and Snave:
Now that I'm more calm down (I take my pulse and it's only at 45685 beats per minute) I can talk to say that some places in web are completely creepy like right wing conservative sites, and there is no difference from them and any islamic fundamentalist. I only see ideas of killing and destroying, period.
In the left side of political spectrum the human is in the centre of the all ideology, not god.

Snave said...

Yet that is not to say that belief in God is necessarily a bad thing. I think it is in how those beliefs are used to justify actions that a religion can become a problem.

I am an agnostic who used to be a regular churchgoer, and I try to avoid superstitious behavior because being obsessive-compulsive I tend to perseverate on such behavior. For me personally, it is healthier to not associate with churches, with magical thinking, or with fundamentalist religious beliefs.

On the other hand, churches and magical thinking sometimes provide people with a sense of purpose, or provide a calming influence in their lives. That doesn't bug me. It's the fundamentalism that bugs me.

It does seem the right-wing blogs are often (not always, but often) places of intense hatred and intolerance. That's why I don't visit them any more.

GTX said...

I was raised with church teachings (my father and mother used to give items to church and to went at poor blocks to give goods and food and other to poor people on Christmas, during years and we, the sons, never suspected, cause they didn't like to make publicity in those actions), and those teachings where filtered by myself and I'd only retained the core of it, solidarity and comprehension. That circles the killing, the robbery, the envy and all the other (of course instincts in a tension basis can talk louder, but if church didn't teach that, or someone, the world would be a bad place to live until someone remembered to do something like Christ, or Buddha, or Maniqeu, or Ghandi, etc.).
You right, that's not all WebPages but those I'm talking give that message in a subliminal way (figures of a white Christ, a paradise that is worth to die, virgins, heaven and hell) and those things are completely out of this time, but until there is a market to it they will try to sell it.
That market, the sons of ignorance, is maintained to give the "dízimo"(?) (I don't know the word - 10% of salary is to the church) as some churches in Portugal do it. They built a cradle house (?), a wealth house for the oldest (?) and that's it, the rest its to them and people doesn't know, or worst, they are so wash-brained that they never dream on such thing, that's the part that is creepy.

The irony is this, if you only try to counterpoint their point of view, they claim for dogmas axioms and theology, like those things where trues and/or the common people that assists to the celebrations knew it what it is.

1138 said...

I think the stupid is good mentality of the current leader of the USA and his crew kinda puts that whole dumb man of the people thing away.

Oh you can be real and be smart without having all that book learnin alright but I think a person needs to find balance.

GTX said...

Yes, I only cannot figure out why North Chorea has jump out from the non-proliferation treaty because the US had been a bad politic concerning to the embargo.
I sound to me that was an excuse to going through with the test anyway. Those 5 nuke-armed nations may well be afraid, not bad administrations but the People.

Too many times the means don't justify the goals. In that case rational communism isn't better than religious fascism.

I'll post some quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche who was became crazy and his sister made everything to make Nietzsche's writings look like anti-semite, which he was not and even had made some writings condemning the anti-semitism.